Installation Guide

System Requirements

Hardware Requirements

Processor :

Intel core i5 or higher (minimum 4 cores)

ARM v7/v8 (minimum 4 cores)

Memory :

Minimum : 4GB RAM

Recommended : 8GB RAM

Network :

WiFi 2.4/5 GHz

Sensors(Only when running on Bot Hardware) :

  1. 2D/3D LiDAR

    1. For SLAM and obstacle avoidance : 30m (wh) minimum range
    2. For Obstacle Avoidance : 10m (wh) minimum range
  2. Wheel encoder : 1000 pulse/rotation (minimum)

  3. IMU : MPU 9250, Xsense MTi-3 AHRS, Bosch BNO055

  4. GPS (When operating outdoors)

Software Requirements

Operating System

Ubuntu 18.04 or higher

Mandatory tools

Robot Operating System (ROS) Melodic of Noetic

Setting up Mowito Navigation Stack

User Registration

Register yourself on this website

We need your email to mail you the password, and to count how many people are using Mowito.

We won’t spam. :)

Installing the Mowito on Computer ( amd64 or x86)

  1. Create a ROS workspace directory structure (would be useful in running simulation)

    mkdir -p ~/mowito_ws/src/

  2. Clone the repo in the workspace you just created, using

    cd ~mowito_ws/src/

    for Ubuntu 18 - ROS Melodic

    git clone -b melodic

  3. Remove any previous installation of Mowito stack

    cd mowito_amd64

    for Ubuntu 18 - ROS Melodic

    ./ melodic

  4. Install the new Mowito stack

    for Ubuntu 18 - ROS Melodic

    ./ melodic

Installing the Mowito on the Robot -ROSbot ( arm64, armhf)

Checkout installation instructions for ROSbot. You can try out same steps on the turtlebot and other robots as well.