

Below is the list of ROStopics in the Mowito Navigation Stack. In order to check the data from any of the topics below, on terminal 1. source ROS source /opt/ros/<your ros version>/setup.bash 2. rostopic echo <ros topic address>

Topic name address description
Command Velocity Publisher /cmd_vel it contains the linear and angular velocity which the robot should follow.
Plan Publisher /plan it contains the global path/plan which the robot will follow
Goal Queue Publisher /goal_queue Publishes all the goals in the queue
Odometry /odom Contains the odometry of the robot. It is used as input by the Navigation Stack
Mission Executive Status Publisher /mission_status Contains the navigation status of the robot.

Service Calls

In order to make a service call, on terminal (after sourcing ROS) do rosservice call <address of the service> <tab><tab> . Tab-tab to autocomplete the data structure, which user can modify. Service calls are best done programmatically, rather than through terminal. Here is a list of the service calls in the navigation stack.

Service Name Address Description
Set Plan /mission_executive/set_plan It lets the user to set a custom plan for the mission. In other words, this service is used to when custom global planner is used to plan the path, and pass it to the navigation stack for the robot to follow it. one example of program using this service is rosrun mission_executive set_plan_client
Set Route /mission_executive/set_route It lets the user to set multiple waypoints programatically. One example of a program using this service is set_route_client (checkout Route based Navigation in Step 4).
Route Status /mission_executive/get_route_status returns the status of current route the robot is executing
Change Planner /mission_executive/change_planner changes the path planner used by the robot dynamically ( without terminating the stack).
Change Controller /mission_executive/change_controller changes the controller used by the robot dynamically
Abort Planner Goals /mission_executive/abort_controller_goals cancels all the controller goals
Abort Mission /mission_executive/abort_mission cancels all the planner and controller goals thereby aborting the mission
Abort Controller Goal /mission_executive/abort_controller_goals cancels all the controller goals.
Trigger Recovery /mission_executive/trigger_recovery triggers the robot into recovery mode
Set Manual Override /mission_executive/set_manual_overrride It lets the user take over the executive giving user complete control over the movement the robot. In Manual mode, the executive will not publish command velocities. The executive will also not accept any goals, routes or plans until this service is called again and manual_mode is set to false
Change primitives /mw_maxl_planner/change_mprims It allows you to change motion primitives at runtime.For service call mention path to motion primitive’s Files you would like to change to as argument as an argument to service