Step 4 : Navigate the Chosen Bot

This section shall provide instructions on how to navigate the chosen Bot.

Route Based Navigation


  • In addition to the waypoint navigation feature in simulation, one can also simulate the robot by giving route points via route.yaml (type) file.
  • This feature provides user the ability to give pre-planned goals.
  • There are two ways for using this feature. We will be using the example of husky robot simulation to explain this:


While using this feature, it is highly recommended that one uses the genroute planner for optimal results.

There are two ways to go about using Routes, based on when the user wants to change the planner types.

A. Selecting the type of (Global) Planner before launching the stack

  1. Open the mission_executive_params.yaml file located inside the mowito_husky/husky/mowito_husky/config/mission_executive_config folder of the mowito_husky package.
  2. Change the planner tag to genroute.
  3. Now, lets run navigation with map:

For ROSBot run the following command

roslaunch mowito_rosbot sim_mw_navigation.launch

For TurtleBot run the following commands

roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_world.launch

In another terminal, run the following commands:

export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle_pi

roslaunch mowito_turtlebot turtle_mowito_nav_map.launch

For Husky run the following command

roslaunch mowito_husky sim_mw_navigation.launch

For Jackal run the following command

roslaunch mowito_jackal jackal_mw_nav.launch
  1. In a new terminal, run the set_route_client node with the appropriate file path to the route.yaml (type) file. Sample route files are available in the samples folder of the mowito_husky package:

    rosrun executive set_route_client path/to/route/file

B. Changing the (Global) Planner during the run (after launching the stack)

  1. Lets run navigation with map:

    For ROSBot run the following command

    roslaunch mowito_rosbot sim_mw_navigation.launch

    For TurtleBot run the following command

    roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_world.launch

    In another terminal, run the following commands:

    export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle_pi

    roslaunch mowito_turtlebot turtle_mowito_nav_map.launch

    For Husky run the following command

    roslaunch mowito_husky sim_mw_navigation.launch

    For Jackal run the following command

    roslaunch mowito_jackal jackal_mw_nav.launch

  2. Use the change_planner and change_controller services to change the planner and controller respectively. For this, in a new terminal, execute:

    rosservice call /mission_executive/change_planner genroute

  1. Now, in a new terminal, run the set_route_client node with the appropriate file path to the route.yaml (type) file. Sample route files are available in the samples folder of the mowito_husky package:

    rosrun executive set_route_client path/to/route/file


Example: rosbot following a given route