Step 3 : Generate a Map

The Mowito Navigation Stack provides three methods to generate a map.

Mapping for Simulation Pursose

Method 1 : Manual Map generation via remote control robot exploration

Step 0 : Source the workspace

source <path_to_mowito_ws>/devel/setup.bash

Step 1 : Launch the sim_mw_mapping node

For ROSBot, run the following command

roslaunch mowito_rosbot sim_mw_mapping.launch

For TurtleBot, run the following commands

roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_world.launch

In another terminal, run the following commands:

export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle_pi

roslaunch mowito_turtlebot turtle_mowito_mapping.launch

For Husky, run the following command

roslaunch mowito_husky sim_mw_mapping.launch

For Jackal, run the following command

roslaunch mowito_jackal jackal_mw_mapping.launch

Step 2 : Launch the remote control for providing commands to the bot

in another terminal, run the following command :

rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard

Method 2 : Map generation by providing goal destination for navigating robot for exploration

Here, the robot will explore the map based on the goal destination provided by the user on RViz.

For ROSBot, run the following command

roslaunch mowito_rosbot sim_mw_navigation_with_no_map.launch

For TurtleBot, run the following command

roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_world.launch

In another terminal, run the following commands:

export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle_pi

roslaunch mowito_turtlebot turtle_mowito_nav_no_map.launch

For Husky, run the following command

roslaunch mowito_husky sim_mw_navigation_with_no_map.launch

For using cartographer for mapping/ SLAM instead of default mw_mapping, use the following commad:

roslaunch mowito_husky sim_mw_navigation_with_no_map.launch cartographer:=true

For using slam toolbox for mapping/ SLAM with velodyne, use the following commad:

roslaunch mowito_husky sim_mw_navigation_with_no_map_slam_toolbox.launch

For Jackal, run the following command

roslaunch mowito_jackal jackal_mw_nav_no_map.launch

The goal can be provided on RViz using the “2D Nav Goal” feature provided on RViz.

The icon is highlighted in red in the image below.


Saving the Map

Once you are done creating the map on rviz, save the map on a new terminal exeute the following:

cd && rosrun map_server map_saver -f mymap

the map (pgm and yaml) is saved in the home directory with the name mymap.pgm and mymap.yaml

For Huskybot

  1. if you were using cartographer to build the map , run the following command

    rosrun mowito_husky map_name

    the map (pbstream) is saved in the home directory with the name map_name.pbstream. If no map_name is given then it would save as map.pbstream

  2. if you were using slam toolbox to build the map, open the slam toolbox plugin in Rviz by clicking the panels and give a name for the map and store it using serialize map option.

panels.png toolbox.png

the map is saved in the .ros folder in the home directory with the name husky_map.posegraph and

Alternatively, in order to save the map, on a new terminal execute the following:

rosservice call /slam_toolbox/serialize_map "husky_serialize"